Author: admin

  • Navigating the Complexities of Prenatal Testing

    The article explores the rise of genetic testing, especially prenatal screening, as a means of gaining control over health and shaping future generations. However, it highlights concerns about the accuracy of these tests and the ethical dilemmas they pose, particularly regarding the devaluation of children with disabilities. It urges individuals to consider the emotional and…

  • The Rewritten Narrative of the History of Black Women on a path towards Sexual Liberation and Individual Freedom

    In this paper, I examine the journey of Black women in the United States towards sexual liberation and freedom, focusing on narratives of acceptance, rebellion, and reclaiming agency. Through the works of Saidiya Hartman and Hortense Spillers, I explore the struggles faced by Black women, from systemic racism to societal constraints on their sexuality. Ultimately,…

  • Letter to the Editor: Critique of “The Rhetorical Tradition”

    In my letter, I discuss my studies of “The Rhetorical Tradition,” a text book I read for my History of Rhetoric course. In my letter, I note its heavy focus on ancient Western male writers. I critique this bias, pointing out the lack of representation of female and non-European rhetors in the text’s depiction of…

  • Rhetorical Analysis of Flirting

    This was a piece I wrote for fun in my History of Rhetoric class. This paper explores flirting through a rhetorical lens, arguing that it is a nuanced form of communication essential for establishing romantic connections and enhancing relationships. Drawing on rhetorical theory, ideologies such as context, emotional authenticity, and shared in successful flirting interactions.…

  • Tearing Down the Wall and Infographic

    The paper explores how people in power like Donald Trump use rhetoric to spread misinformation about illegal immigration. It discusses Trump’s persuasive techniques, such as emotionally charged language and repetition, aimed at manipulating public opinion. Additionally, it examines how confirmation bias and pluralistic ignorance contribute to the effectiveness of these strategies. Through this analysis, the…

  • Fearmongers

    This paper was written for the rhetoric of FakeNews class I took during my sophmore year of college. The paper explores how misinformation about climate change is propagated, comparing a 1984 Exxon ad and an essay by Professor Steven F. Hayward. It highlights how both sources use rhetoric, including religious ethos and fearmongering, to dismiss…

  • Roots

    This is the first paper I wrote in my college career in my first year writing class. It is a personal reflection on the my upbringing in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and my move to Atlanta, Georgia as a freshman in college. In this, I discuss the influence of nature on my childhood experiences in Lancaster, particularly…

  • Camouflaged

    First-Year Eagle award winning paper: Camouflaged. This paper explores camouflage as concealment on several levels: from peppered moths evolving pigmented specks to blend into a sooty post-industrial environment—to its definition of “misleading someone or disguising from the truth” (OED). She comments here on fake news and on politicians disguising the harm of climate catastrophe to…

  • Featured interview: Finding a New Angle—Testimonies Combat Toxic Perfectionism

    I was interviewed with Inside HigherEd about my experience working on the Student-Wellbeing Advisory Committee and my perspective on student well-being and perfectionist culture at Emory University. This article discusses Emory University’s campaign aimed at addressing perfectionism among college students, recognizing it as a significant mental health concern. Through initiatives like workshops and discussions, Emory…